Our supporters –
together we can achieve the goal.
We would like to thank all of our supporters.
A lot of people have already signed our camper “Kumpel” and donated.
Lots of creative actions are underway and will further advance our project. Together we have achieved a lot.
But there is still a lot to do.
How much can we achieve together?
A big thank you to the Hetlinger Deerns

The Hetlinger Deerns are a group of showroom dancers under the roof of the Hetlinger Männer-Turnverein von 1903 e.V.. The Group is developing their shows themselves from writing the scripts to thinking of the choreography and even the costume design. There were eight Shows this year in Wedel, Germany where donations were collected for the organisation “Arms for Mummy”
3.019,00 Euro were Donated!
This is amazing and we would like to greatly thank every single person that donated!
Thank you to Friends for Kids e.V.

Members from Pinneberg and Hamburg donated a total of 2.000 Euro for the organization “Arms for Mummy”. This would also be a massive help for Mia because she supports her mom in her everyday endeavours With a good prosthetic arm Anna could be more independent again. A big thank you to all members of Verein für Kinder e.V.
Jörg Drewing / Laufend Leiden Lindern Lübeck

Jörg continues to collect
His current projects:
“I still have spots for the #SchwerinerNachtlauf on May 9th 2020. Should i fill every spot in the 5, 10, 15 and 20 kilometer run with runners then i will do a marathon with someone in October. When all of the 33 vacant spots are taken (8 for 5km, 10 for 10km, 10 for 15km and 5 for 20km) then i will run a giveaway for all the participating runners for the previously mentioned marathon. The start has toobviously be in Germany. Everyone that wants to have a Spots for the run in Schwerin, Germany has to give a donation of 12,50 euro to the organization “Arms for Mummy”. If you want to sign in but not donate the run will cost 22 euro. What is there more to want? I will collect donations in Schwerin.”
Jörg Drewing ran 47.12 kilometres around Lübeck on November 30th!
And he collected 1,221 euros for Anna!
A tremendous achievement! Thank you!
You can find the interview with Jörg at Radio Lübeck on November 5th 2019 here ”’
A great action of the Linedance-People in Hamburg

On Sunday January 12th 2020 the Linedance-People have collected money for Anna!
Over 1,400.00 euro were collected!
It’s amazing what you achieved with dance requests, coffee and cake!
We say THANK YOU!!!!!
Interested in the Linedance-People?
Then take a look on Facebook: Linedance-People

Donations instead of Presents
430,00 Euro were collected during the double birthday of Luise and Michael on the 30th.
To you and your donations a bit thank you! And a healthy and lucky start into your next year!

Support with an exhibition
Also a big thank to Monika Schubert and her supporters!
She collected for Anna at her hobby exhibition and increased the amount privately to a total of 200 Euros. A great thing!

Baking a cake for Anna

The savings certificate from the hairdresser's shop Carefree
Eleonore Sorgenfrei has collected with her customers from the hairdressing salon “Sorgenfrei” in Rellingen for Anna.
The piggy bank unfortunately had to be sacrificed.
It had € 185.24in its stomach.
A big thank you to all donors!

Raising funds at the class reunion!
Another great, creative idea – Stefan Balzer and his former classmates have collected! Thank you!

Singing to raise funds!
The shanty choir “Elveshörn maritim” sings for Anna and has already “sung” 640 €. We say “Thank you”